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ESEA, Title III Multilingual Learner and Immigrant Program


Multilingual Program Coordinator: Dr. Denise Campbell-Gartrell


Multilingual Learners



The Multilingual Learners Program (MLP) Department of Edgefield County School District seeks to serve Multilingual Learners (ML) through improved instructional practices and additional support.  The primary focus of the MLP is to provide an English-rich learning environment to all ML so that they will become proficient in English as soon as possible. The MLP addresses the four domains of the English Language; listening, speaking, reading, writing, and content vocabulary, cultural awareness, and study skills through clearly articulated objectives.Our goal is to ensure that ML gain proficiency in English while meeting the challenging academic standards expected of all South Carolina students. 

Languages of ECSD

Diagram showing the languages spoken in ECSD

Four Domains of Learning the English Language




