2024-2025 Vacancies
Updated 1/16/2025
Bus Drivers, Paraprofessionals, Custodians
High School
Strom Thurmond High School (STHS)
Strom Thurmond Career and Technology Center (STCTC)
Science Teacher (STHS) - 2025-2026 School Year
School Counselor (STHS) - 2025-2026 School Year
NJROTC Instructor (STHS) - 2024-2025 School Year
Middle School
Johnston-Edgefield-Trenton Middle (JET) Merriwether Middle (MMS)
Elementary School
Douglas Elementary School (DES), Johnston Elementary School (JES),
Merriwether Elementary School (MES), W. E. Parker Elementary (WEP)
Food Service Substitutes
Substitute Teachers
Custodian Substitutes
Nurse Substitute
Thank you for your interest in employment with Edgefield County School District. Edgefield County Schools are a great place to work and the experiences are quite fulfilling. We strive to prepare children for the real world the right way by hiring highly qualified employees who strive to meet the needs of all children in a safe, stimulating environment.